Am I a farmer yet?

Last weekend was the Common Ground Fair. The best fair of the season, if you ask me. There are no rides, no demolition derbies, no fried dough. I kid on that last one – of course there is fried dough, but it is 100% organic. At least that is what they advertise.

Look at that! Look at those oxen. Standing in the middle of a plowed field, drinking some water, yee-hawin’ at oxen – what more could you want in life. To have it be yours. That would make it better. #goals

I used to go to the fair and drool at the farm dog demonstration, dream of owning a draft horse, and try all the tools at Johny Seeds’ demonstration garden. This year I spent the time learning AS MUCH as I could cram into my brain from the farmers. Managing a CSA, The reality of raising your own meat, Owning a family dairy cow. Yes PLEASE. Sign me up for all the talks. I was lost in day dreams of what’s to come by the end of the days. Zach was too. He almost bought two cows. Edit: two *pregnant* cows.

We don’t even have out electric fence set up yet. Ha.

Look at those animals. A year from now, if I am lucky enough I will have some animals looking just a fine. Tamworth pigs. A flock of Katahdin sheep. A pregnant Belted Galloway. A Jersey mix. Oh, and 100 chickens — probably freedom rangers. Wholey moley! We have a lot of infrastructure to build up in the next 6 months!

I’ll spend my days checking electric fences and whatever else farmers do. We’ll have gardens, but probably just for ourselves. We need to get some of our land cleared out and in better working order.

Oh man, I almost forgot about the maple syrup! That is only 5 months away! Now that the fair is over, I am reinvigorated to get going and get moving on all the things we want here.

That’s it for now, see ya on the flip side.

The end.

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