Sugar Season

It’s here! Spring has sprung! The sap is F L O W I N G!!

I love maple syrup — *real* maple syrup. Growing up in Maine, it was a household staple. Every weekend, we would sit down to eat crepes with maple syrup and brown sugar (and bacon, of course). When I was a teenager, my dad tapped the maple trees in our back yard. He collected gallons and gallons of sap, which he then boiled down on our stove to maple syrup. That syrup was then promptly turned to tire and gobbled up by me and my sugar-high sissy. Or burnt, because a family friend came over and we forgot it was on the stove. Oops.

Last weekend, Zach and I tapped 6 trees along our road. We used those metal buckets and spies — we figured they would (1) help us reduce our plastic footprint and (2) be easier to clean at the end of the season. So far we have gotten 10 gallons of sap from our trees. Everyday, we dump the sap collecting buckets into a larger collection bucket and store it in a cool location so it won’t spoil

This past weekend, we boiled it down into some deeeeeelicous syrup. YUM.

Heres to many more gallons of sap to be collected over the next few weeks! At this rate, we will have enough syrup to keep us stored throughout the year! Yippee!!

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