fall garden prep begins

Next year we are moving the primary garden back behind the house. With two kiddos, I think it will be easier to be closer to home. This year the house garden grew our garlic and shallots. The asparagus patch got a couple pickings. We also planted some greens, beets, and carrots but none of those fared well due to weeds, water, and lack of sun.

But I want to increase that garden next year to be our primary garden. My mind is swimming with how can we prepare it now for success later? (All while caring for an 18 month old and being 6 months pregnant) I hope to do some kind of lasagna compositing bed creation… more on that in a later post.

Right now, my focus is on the asparagus patch space.

When we mow, till, & mulch, I want to include the asparagus patch. Currently there are a lot of weeds among the asparagus heads which makes it hard to harvest. Also the crowns are spread out much more than they ned to be. iIn short, the space could be a lot more productive.

The first way I am tackling this is digging up some of the asparagus heads.

Then I will try to transplant them after the beds are prepped. Stay tuned to see how it goes!

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