fall garden prep begins

Next year we are moving the primary garden back behind the house. With two kiddos, I think it will be easier to be closer to home. This year the house garden grew our garlic and shallots. The asparagus patch got a couple pickings. We also planted some greens, beets, and carrots but none of those… Continue reading fall garden prep begins

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welcome, springtime.

WELCOME, SPRINGTIME. I’m glad you’re back. The first day of Spring. It is finally here, even though it’s snowing outside right now. The snow is melting, the flowers are emerging. Spring time in Maine is one of my favorites: The snow is melting. The sun is warm. Things are turning green. There is dog poop… Continue reading welcome, springtime.

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Maine Maple Syrup, Year 2

Last week we FINALLY got around to tapping our maple trees. Just in time too – we had also opened our last container of syrup. The snow had started melting away, the chickens were out scratching in the leaves around the base of the trees. We tapped the 6 trees in front of our barn,… Continue reading Maine Maple Syrup, Year 2

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Vegetables In Our 2021 Garden

We buy the majority of our seeds from three north-eastern seed companies: FEDCO, Johnny’s Seeds, and Fruition Seeds. We also placed an order at High Mowing for their open-pollinated Honeynut Butternut Squash — YUM! Here are all the veggies we have in store for 2021 BEANS (dry): Silver Cloud Cannellini, True Red Cranberry, Haudenosaunee; BEANS… Continue reading Vegetables In Our 2021 Garden

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Dutch-Baby Sunday Brunch

At my parents house, Sunday brunch as a weekly holiday staple. We would gather around the table with a stack of crepes, some bacon that had set off the smoke alarm, and scrabbled eggs. Most families would call it breakfast, since we ate at 8 am, but we’d eat enough food to be full ’till… Continue reading Dutch-Baby Sunday Brunch

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long time, no see.

Hi there – long time no see. 2020 was a year, and I’d taken a step back to focus on some other things. After that step back, I couldn’t figure out how to jump two steps forward to get back. But I managed to pull it together, and now I’m back. At least until life… Continue reading long time, no see.

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Am I a farmer yet?

Last weekend was the Common Ground Fair. The best fair of the season, if you ask me. There are no rides, no demolition derbies, no fried dough. I kid on that last one – of course there is fried dough, but it is 100% organic. At least that is what they advertise. Look at that!… Continue reading Am I a farmer yet?

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Farm Dog

“Lets get a giant dog. It’ll be fun. We’ll teach him to pull a cart.” Ha; the things I am convinced of. We have had Baxter for 13 months now. Happy belated birthday to him! He weighs 130 pounds and is not quite house trained. Oh, and he chews on my nice wooden furniture. He… Continue reading Farm Dog

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About us

Here we are. It’s me and Zach. And our dogs. In front of out 100’x35’ garden. And an old, overgrown apple tree. We are already in over our heads. Yay! Our lives are changing. Last month we moved to Maine and are started our own small farmstead. What even is that? Our very own farm… Continue reading About us

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