welcome, springtime.

WELCOME, SPRINGTIME. I’m glad you’re back.

The first day of Spring. It is finally here, even though it’s snowing outside right now. The snow is melting, the flowers are emerging.

Spring time in Maine is one of my favorites: The snow is melting. The sun is warm. Things are turning green. There is dog poop everywhere.

One week later, and the snow is all gone. The sugaring season is over. I’m itching to get in peas and whatever else you sow “as soon as soil can be worked.”

The first sign of spring on our farm, other than syrup, is this crocus:

This crocus sits on the south side of our house, against our granite foundation. It pops up weeks before anything else even looks alive. And last year, it died before anything else even bloomed. Its small purple bloom brings me such hope for the future growing season. I hope it comes back every year, and I hope I never miss it.

This spring marks the end of our second winter on the farm and the beginning of our third spring. We have big dreams for this grow season: welcoming lambs lambs, growing lots of tomatoes, and opening small farm stand. We want to build a waddle fence, drill a well, expand our garden space, and restart our youtube videos to document it all.

Let me know what plans you have for this spring! I can’t wait to see how much we get done.

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